G. Love & The Juice with Ron Artis II at Belly Up

Sometimes you don't know how much you need something until you show up. That has been the theme when I've felt burnt out about attending events... just show up.

It's so easy to get bogged down in goals, stats, and measurements of success... no matter what line of work you're in. The words, "what does success look like for you?" ring in my head from corporate exec types and can make one literally sick. However, if you change your mind set, and know that sometimes you win when you just show up - it can make all the difference.

That's what happened for me on this particular night in Solana Beach.

Asking one question, led to me being at this show. I was blessed beyond belief. And yet, there were moments when I wasn't sure I would make it. But I was determined to just. show. up.

Had I not - I would have never realized how much I really needed this music. It was everything I needed, and I didn't quite know it until I was there experiencing it.

The soul-filled music of Ron Artis II felt like it was filling my cup with each bluesy note. There were moments when I just had to stop, close my eyes, and and do an internal "mmm..." I hadn't done that in such a long time - and rarely when I'm working.

When G. Love hit the stage, it raised the energetic vibration of the place. Continuing the funky, bluesy rhythms with the added hip hop flair, in addition to that harmonica... so good! It was much different than the last G. Love experience I had at California Roots Festival in 2019. More intimate in this venue, the world-famous Belly Up Tavern, on a Thursday night in March.

G. Love & The Juice played two full sets of music, with a brief intermission in the middle - and that was such a genius move that I've only seen seasoned professionals be able to pull off without losing half the crowd in the process. But you could tell that this group was filled with dedicated fans, because the crowd didn't shrink at all. Instead, we all took a much needed breather and came right back for more.

When they played Root Down, by the Beastie Boys, I might have died just a little. My B-Girl heart exploded with so much joy - and I realized just why I've been working so hard doing what I do. To be here, in this moment, listening to G. Love playing his rendition of my B-Boys in this spot in my home turf??? Perfection. And when they seamlessly moved right into Snoop Dogg's Gin & Juice?!? I was one happy 90's girl all over again! I mean, THANK YOU for reminding me of who I am and who TF WE are!!

So here's one raised to the kind of music that not only fills your soul, but but reminds you of who you are and why you work so hard to be where you're at.

And here's to SHOWING TF UP! 

Event Gallery - G.Love & The Juice with Ron Artis II at Belly Up Tavern on Thursday, March 24, 2022



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